Specialized Therapy Offers Hope

About ADHD

Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is a mental health disorder characterized by excessive hyperactivity levels and/or impulsive behaviors. Symptoms include problems focusing or concentrating on a single task, forgetfulness, the inability to complete tasks, being easily distracted, interrupting others while they are speaking and the inability to sit still for a long period of time.

The type of ADHD determines how the disorder is treated. The three categories of ADHD are:

  1. Predominantly inattentive, which means people diagnosed with this type of ADHD find focusing, listening, organizing and completing tasks, and following instructions extremely difficult. These individuals often lose things and forget to do daily tasks. This type is seen commonly in girls with ADHD.
  2. Predominantly hyperactive-impulsive, in which people primarily exhibit hyperactive and impulsive behavior, including fidgeting, running or climbing at inappropriate times, talking too much, difficulty waiting in line and interrupting people. These individuals may find focusing on tasks difficult, too.
  3. Combined hyperactive-impulsive and inattentive is the most common type of ADHD. People with this type exhibit both inattentive and hyperactive symptoms, including impulsive behavior, excessive levels of energy and activity, and an inability to pay attention.

While we tend to think of ADHD as a childhood disorder, adults are affected, too, although they may not realize they have the disorder.

Diagnosing ADHD

No single test is available to diagnose ADHD; only a qualified ADHD therapist is able to determine if you or your child has this disorder. And a definitive diagnosis takes time. The therapist considers symptoms, reports and observations from teachers and family members, and perhaps a physical exam to rule out other health issues. 

ADHD Counseling

When you seek an ADHD therapist in the Orem, Utah area, consider Aspen Valley Wellness. Our staff includes therapists for adults and teens with the disorder, as well as therapists for the ADHD child. These therapists have received specialized training in assisting adults, teens and children aged 7 and older who have ADHD. 

We also specialize in treating women and girls with ADHD. Why is this necessary? Historically, females have been misdiagnosed and they do not get the treatment they need. This is due to (1) the outdated stereotype that mostly boys have ADHD, and (2) the tendencies of girls to cover up symptoms, ask for help more often and try mightily to fit in.

We are specialists in treating ADHD. While most mental health clinics treat ADHD with medications and behavioral interventions, we offer a wide range of alternative treatments. Many of our ADHD therapists have either been diagnosed with ADHD or have children and family members with ADHD. At Aspen Valley Wellness, we are passionate about treating people with ADHD.

Alternative Therapies

Our services are totally unique and tailored for the individual struggling with ADHD. The most common modes of treatment for ADHD include a combination of medication and behavioral therapy. Because a growing number of parents and adults are concerned about the side effects of stimulant medications, our clinic provides several researched-based alternatives to medication. These include neurofeedback, audio-visual entrainment (AVE), cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES), technology-assisted meditation, and food sensitivity testing and nutrition coaching.

  • Audio-visual entrainment (AVE) has been proven effective in treating ADHD. Improvement in both attention and hyperactive behaviors has been confirmed.
  • Cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) helps by increasing serotonin and dopamine production in the brain, substances that some with ADHD do not produce in sufficient amounts.
  • Neurofeedback was found to be as effective as methylphenidate (Ritalin) to treat the attention and hyperactivity symptoms of ADHD in children and adolescents.
  • Meditation helps some adults with ADHD relieve symptoms. Mindful meditation calms the mind, improves focus, lowers stress and boosts self-esteem.
  • Food sensitivity management may reduce ADHD symptoms by removing certain foods from the diet. Studies have found strong links between food and ADHD symptoms.
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