Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy

What It Is, Who It Treats, How It Works

What is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy?

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy (KAP) is an innovative treatment that combines the use of ketamine, a well-established anesthetic with rapidly acting antidepressant properties, with structured psychotherapy to address mental health issues. During a KAP session, patients receive a controlled dose of ketamine, which can facilitate a unique therapeutic experience by altering brain chemistry and enhancing emotional processing. This altered state can help individuals break through entrenched patterns of thought and emotion, making them more receptive to therapeutic interventions.

Who Is Ketamine Assisted Psychotherapy For?

Ketamine-Assisted Psychotherapy can be a valuable treatment for a variety of individuals, particularly those who may not have found relief through traditional therapies. Good candidates for KAP typically include people who experience:

  • Treatment-Resistant Depression

  • Severe Anxiety

  • PTSD

  • Chronic Pain 

  • Bipolar Disorder

  • Substance Use Disorders

  • Seeking Personal Growth

How Does It Work?

KAP combines the administration of ketamine with therapeutic sessions. In our practice, we use a lozenge form of ketamine, which is pre-dosed by our Nurse Practitioner. During a session, the lozenge is dissolved under the tongue, allowing ketamine to be absorbed into the bloodstream and reach the brain. This form of administration provides a personalized dosage and reduces the need for intravenous infusions.

As the ketamine takes effect, it alters brain chemistry and temporarily shifts the patient’s consciousness, creating a unique therapeutic environment. This altered state can facilitate deep emotional insights and help individuals confront and process difficult thoughts or past traumas more effectively. Concurrently, our trained therapist guides patients through these experiences, integrating the insights gained into ongoing psychotherapy. 

Each initial ketamine session is allocated 2 hours to ensure a thorough and supportive experience. Following the session, we schedule a follow-up appointment at least 12 hours later to review and process the journey with a therapist, ensuring that the therapeutic benefits are fully integrated.

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